roll over baby're hoggin' the bed
Being raised in the heart of the bible belt, I've been exposed to many a "jesus freak". In fact, my granny used to dress me and my sister up on Sundays and take us to the Assembly of God church where she taught Sunday school. If you are at all familiar with the Assembly of God know they are a Pentecostal church that believes in laying on of hands and speaking in tongues ( that scene in Borat). Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker preached for Assembly of God...and as I'm sure many of you know...they had a popular televangelist group/TV show in the 70's and 80's called PTL Club. My granny LOVED Jim and Tammy...I watched many hours of PTL club programming in my formative years...and my granny gave far too much of her money to help build Heritage USA. We all know how that story ended...if for some reason you missed the news in the mid-80's...just follow the links I have included to get up to speed. So, getting to the point of this post...I'm completely addicted to the new reality show on Sundance..."One Punk Under God", about Jim and Tammy's son, Jay. Jay is trying to drag the evangelical church closer to the year 2007. He is extremely liberal, supports gay marriage and even holds church services in bars. This may seem very trendy, but for tons of folks in the Midwest and South, that are still living in some stunted, mythic/membership, fundamentalist bubble...he could actually help move them forward a tiny step on evolution's road to reason.
Oh My, I don't have cable so I knew nothing of little Jay's show. I did, however, grow up about .5 miles from PTL headquarters on Park Rd. in Charlotte - used to get stoned there quite often.
My best friend in high school, Rob, had a boyfriend who later dated a young man named Wayne who worked for a bried time as Jim Baker's driver. Several times he took Pastor Baker to "massage parlors" (not so surprising). What was really interesting was the fact that Jim would go dressed in drag - apparently dressed to the 9's.
Perhaps the Baker son learned a few lessons in tolerance from occasionally catching a glimpse of the old man doing something that truly made him happy?
Anyway, I did your profile. You like a lot of groovy stuff.
I found you by following my "x" as favorite music choice.
whoa, that comment was typo-city. it's late. apologies.
hey amor -
no offense but i watched this video and this kid has skeevy written all over him. watch his eye movements and body gestures. i'm sure, however, it's a very entertaining show. enjoy.
oh and i'm sorry to report that sweet kid who drove the limo is dead. aids. no shit. after i posted i got to wondering about that whole gang and i made a few calls.
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