My previous posts have been on the serious side…time to lighten things up a bit with a more personal post: My sister and I inherited a love for younger men from our trail-blazing Mother. Mom was rockin’ it “Demi-style” way back in the day. In fact, she married a 19 yr. old when she was 33. Following in my Mother’s footsteps, I have a difficult time dating men over the age of 26. BUT…I am 35 and I need to begin taking that area of my life a bit more seriously. Lately I have been attempting to date “older men” and by older I mean over 40. Great! Right? Not an easy task for me! Recently I went on a date with a 41 yr. old. Very nice, attractive enough, really smart, had been in numerous indie bands, great job. Sounds great! Not so fast…half way through the date the 25 yr. old bartender slipped me his number which of course offended my date a bit. My date ended up leaving early...I stayed. Enough said.
So that is my current Apollonian/Dionysian dilemma…
Harold and MaudeDownload:
Mrs. Robinson - Lemonheads
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