Tuesday, October 24, 2006

looking forward to a little yoko action tonight

This was sent around the office today. It is a website that allows you to access/search and read all the Enron employee emails from 1999-2002. Juicy as hell! I am completely addicted...

Thanks Tom!

drinkin' and bloggin'...go together like peanut butter and jelly

Listen to Stoney....I love Jailbird... so does Brad...very Turin Brakes-y. The end.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

la dee dahs

Currently listening to the Dodgems...they sound like the White Stripes...but they are fun...and easy on the eyes.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

summer sponsored by ketel one

Alex sneaks a peek while the ladies pose.

Teaching Jasper the finer points of "the itsy bitsy spider" while AC 360 does his best Thom Yorke.

Friday, October 20, 2006

for the love of noam...

cancel your plans Monday evening...stay home to watch "Language Does Not Lie" on Sundance.


Monday, October 16, 2006

dna dedication part deux

As promised...

INXS -The One Thing
Long before Paula Yates got her hands on young Mikey...and the others starred in a rigged TV show to find a replacement.

Yaz - Don't Go
Big girls need love too!

Psychedelic Furs - The Ghost In You
I forgot how lovely this is...I have tears...

The Style Council - My Ever Changing Moods

The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary

Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls

Madness - It Must Be Love

Alphaville - Big In Japan

Saturday, October 14, 2006

my seeestaar

Nostalgia alert!
This post is a dedication...to the poor girl that was subjected to hours of music video VHS tapings and mix tape marathons in the early eighties...not to mention the nicknames that I created for her.

Brace yourself...you haven't seen some of these in 20+ yrs. I've left out some of the super obvious (DD) and have included some Night Flight faves...I have tears!

P.S. After posting these I realized we didn't really listen to much American music in the early/mid 80's...thank god we dodged that "Hair Metal" bullet...but you did have that Huey Lewis phase that we will never let you live down...

Big Country- In A Big Country
Didn't this always play in your head when we rode ATV's in the country? Ha!

Ultravox - Reap The Wild Wind
Remember buying this album for a quarter when Gibson's closed in the early '80's...guess no one else in Marshall knew who they were..haha! I also bought the silver tape and black plastic that we covered my room with on the same shopping trip...good times. That was an extreme home makeover...we were so ahead of our time!

Blancmange - Living on the Ceiling

JoBoxers - Just Got Lucky

Dream Academy - Life in a Northern Town

Cabaret Voltaire - I Want You
This video used to come on at 3am on Saturday nights...when we lived in the old house on Jefferson...I was sure someone was staring at us through the window!

Haircut 100 - Boy Meets Girl

Depeche Mode - People are People

King - Love and Pride
'Member when I had this hair?

ABC - Poison Arrow

The Beat - Too Nice To Talk To

The Smiths - Stop Me If You Think You've...
We both sported these glasses at different points in our formative years...nerd girls rule!

Kate Bush - Cloudbusting
Do you remember the cassette for Hounds of Love was marbled pink and grey? Kate's so classy!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

nice day for a white weddin'

So many folks gettin' hitched at the mo. I always swore that I'd walk down the aisle to "Sympathy for the Devil"...guess I'm just not a "romantic" at heart! Anyway cheers to you all! I see a hyphenated surname and a Brooklyn apartment in my future soon enough...thank you very much...by New Year if Mr. Hallam has his say!