Thursday, March 22, 2007

happy anniversary, baby...i got you on my mind

Monday, March 12, 2007

so many little time

Saw The Good, The Bad and the Queen at the Apple store today...I almost hyperventilated at the site of handsome smooth...aging gracefully. To see the signature Simonon swagger in person is really something! Another one to check off the list for me...a good day!

Recovering from the weekend with Sweaty and the crew...bevvys, sunrises, fry-ups, pool, quarrels, Sunday Supper Club at mine ...typical really. Packing for the trip to MO on Wednesday...I'll have loads of pics to share next week. Y'all come back now ya hear!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

the good, the bad, the packing box and the sweaty sock

Matt passed this gem honor of the "MacGregor" incident last Friday night. I'm freakin' out by the way!