Friday, March 31, 2006

tea motherfucker-fucker

Thursday, March 30, 2006

guilty pleasures

Wham, Foreigner, Duran Duran, US magazine, Rice-A-Roni, ABC, re-runs of 90210, Heart/Barracuda & Magic Man, Andrew McCarthy, E.L.O., Being Bobby Brown, rock-n-bowl, Taco Bell nachos…just a few of the things I hate to admit I love. This song definitely belongs on that list! I've listened to it for the past month and I can’t let it go. Now I’m unleashing it on you…please don’t send me hate e-mail when it becomes permanently embedded in your brain.

Download: Sewn – The Feeling

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

more than just monkeys

I am still recovering from an amazingly surreal weekend. While I rest, enjoy a few more Sheffield bands.

Download: Sexy In Latin - Little Man Tate
Download: Jimmy Down The Well - Monkey Swallows The Universe
Download: What You Could Have Won - Milburn

Cheers, babe!

Monday, March 27, 2006

farewell mr. hallam

Download: What If's + Maybe's - Bromheads Jacket

SWFC...kiss it...XX

Sunday, March 26, 2006

good weekend

I pulled myself away from work long enough to make it to the Arctic Monkeys gig last night. Really amazing! I can easily say that I had the best time I've had since moving to NY. The Monkeys are true rock stars now...such little boys!

I was "adopted" by a group of boys from Leeds and then a group from Sheffield. They were by far the most entertaining bunch at the gig...dancing and singing every word at the top of their lungs. Great fun! True to form...I spent the evening with the most charming 23 yr old Sheffield lad who seemed to have a well-established Louise Wener fetish left over from childhood. Went to bed at 6:30am...out with the boys tonight as planning my "summer vacation to Sheffield" itinerary. I hope a tour of the cutlery factory is not on the agenda!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

kick out the japanese jams

Download : Ibitsu - Boris (.ma, Jason will dig this!)

Friday, March 24, 2006

speakin' in tongues

If this doesn't make your eyes roll back in your head and fill you "with the spirit"...then nothing will! Thanks for pointing out that I forgot to mention who this is...ladies and gentlemen...the one and only...Son House.

Read: Deep Blues: A Musical History of the Mississippi Delta - Robert Palmer

Watch: Deep Blues: A Musical Pilgrimage to the Crossroads

Thursday, March 23, 2006

the land of the brave, the home of the free, I don't wanna be mistreated by no bourgeoisie

the church of christ without christ…where the blind can't see, the lame don't walk, and the dead stay that way

This is the first of many Sixteen Horsepower posts. If you are not familiar with them…PLEASE take the time to listen. They will change your life!

Download: Black Soul Choir (live) – 16 Horsepower

Read: Wise Blood - Flannery O'Connor

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

pants on fire

Do yourself a favor and check out Wooden Wand and The Vanishing Voice. They are an insane mix of psych, folk, metal, blues,'ll love 'em as much as I do. I promise. Would I lie to you?

Download: Don't Love The Liar - Wooden Wand & the Vanishing Voice

Check out their website and see them April 27th at Mercury Lounge

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

i hit the city and i lost my band

I like it…I have to admit. I don’t think that Carl is breaking new ground but he is talented …and he’s not a junkie/crack-head. He deserves a cookie for that!

Download: Gentry Cove – Dirty Pretty Things (Ami, try this track.)
Download: You Fucking Love It – Dirty Pretty Things
Download: If You Were Wondering – Dirty Pretty Things

Buy: The Survival of the Coolest: An Addiction Memoir

Monday, March 20, 2006

impermanence is here to stay

This post is in honor of Kameron's acceptance to mortuary science school. Knock 'em dead honey!

Download: Down To Rest - o'death
Download: Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? - Catherine Irwin
Download: Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? - The Carter Family

Buy: Wisconsin Death Trip

the sound they made was love

This song deserves its own post. I must have listened to it a thousand times. Just beautiful...

Download: A Parade - Kuryakin

Photo: Lindbergh Day Parade - Walker Evans

Sunday, March 19, 2006

let’s settle this with a dance-off…

Saturday, March 18, 2006

are you gonna liberate us girls from male white-corporate oppression?

Female vocalists are not usually my cup of tea...that seems to be changing. I am not quite sure why I am experiencing this sudden shift. But I am loving it! Here are a few of my current "estrogen-fueled" favorites.

Download: Freejazz - Envelopes
Download: Blessed Night - Howling Bells
Download: Death Letter - Cassandra Wilson
Download: Lola - The Raincoats

Photo: Ken Russell's 1955 Teddy Girl Photo Essay
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains

Thursday, March 16, 2006

public pervert

Yummy! Eels!

Two of my favorite guys!

Leo "I must have some booze. I demand to have some booze" Vladimirsky and Dom "throws up" the German gang sign for "shit-hammered".

We took a break from insane deadlines to have a drink or two last night. The boss was in NY from London so it was a “sponsored” event at Public. It didn’t turn out to be our typical “throw-down” but I feel one coming on…very soon.

Bits and bobs from my current play list:

Download: The Noise Won’t Stop – Shy Child
Download: When You Go Out - I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness
Download: Just - Mark Ronson feat. Alex Greenberg (‘Dward, this one's for you! Where’s that MP3?)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

you only tell me you love me when you’re drunk

One more post before I head back to work...Geraud and I went to the Whitney Biennial this afternoon. There is the usual pretentiousness…but overall I would say the show is worth the money. Don’t miss Anne Collier’s photographs, Paul Chan’s video installation and Francesco Vezzoli’s hilarious movie trailer for the fictitious re-make of Caligula featuring Courtney Love.

I have included a few of Anne Collier’s photographs to whet your appetite…but you really must see her work in person to appreciate the nuances. She is definitely a new favorite!

Buy Tix: 2006 Whitney Biennial

it's the pause that refreshes

I have a crazy work-week ahead and am not sure when I will be able to post again. So I thought I would have Joe and the boys preach the gospel in my absence...

beyond and back

Everyone has defining moments in their lives…one of those defining moments for me was the first time I heard the band X.

I had a “rock & roll” childhood… my parents introduced me to the Beatles, the Who, The Byrds, Hendrix…their combined record collections were a history of 60's and 70's rock. I also spent a great deal of time with my paternal grandparents who introduced me to Elvis, old-school country & western, american folk, bluegrass and traditional pentecostal hymns. When I began to develop my own tastes I favored punk and new wave. I felt torn between three musical worlds that didn’t seem to have a common thread. Then I heard X…and they brought those three worlds together for me. X combined punk, rockabilly, blues and country with off-kilter vocal harmonies and poetic lyrics written by singers John Doe and Exene Cervenka. Their music helped lay the foundation for the alt-country movement that started to blossom in the 1990's.

I am including a clip of X’s 1983 appearance on Letterman. They perform “Hot House” and “Breathless” (Jerry Lee Lewis cover). Keep in mind that “Billie Jean” and “Total Eclipse of the Heart” topped the charts in 1983... this clip gives you a sense of how far ahead of their time they really were.

After John and Exene divorced, she was married to Viggo Mortenson of LOTR fame.
X’s first four albums were produced by Ray Manzarek from the Doors.

Buy Tix: John Doe at Joe’s Pub this Thursday
Buy: X - The Unheard Music (a 1986 documentary)

Saturday, March 11, 2006


The Greenberg siblings are from Chicago...I think they are the next Fiery Furnaces.

Download: Itchy Itchy Hay Hay - Georgia & August Greenberg
Download: Georgia Sings Yes - Georgia & August Greenberg

Fun-fact-to-know-and-tell: Georgia and August's dad used to be in the Coctails with Archer Prewitt and he plays on Archer's current solo work.

It's Saturday...go outside and play!

man to man to man

I have a long-running obsession with Kiki de Montparnasse, Man Ray’s muse. I can remember the first time I saw one of his photographs of her. I was dumb-struck. She is not a classic beauty but there is something about her that is mesmerizing yet completely ordinary. She was an artist in her own right…as well as a cabaret performer.

Speaking of cabaret…another one of my obsessions…I’ve been listening to Man Man repetitively for the past month. They are a strange mix of Tom Waits, cabaret, circus music, dixieland, Nick Cave and Captain Beefheart. They are great fun…and what is life without a bit of fun?

Download: Black Mission Goggles – Man Man
Download: Van Helsing Boombox – Man Man
Download: Engwish Bwudd – Man Man

Kiki “knocks one back” with R. Mutt
Buy: Kiki's Paris
Man Man's website

Thursday, March 09, 2006


I am listening to such an odd mix of music at the moment...I thought I would post a few samples. Feeling sorta scattered...that is reflected in my playlist. I am also incuding one of my favorite photos by Diane Arbus. I always dreamt of being a sword-swallower...that career path obviously didn't pan out.

Download: Sprout and the Bean - Joanna Newsom
Download: Party w/Me Pinko - Wooden Wand & the Vanishing Voice
Download: You Always Let Me Down - Graham Coxon
Download: The Face of God - Pearls & Brass

My favorite Diane Arbus quote: "Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks are born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're Aristocrats."

The New Yorker article about 2005 Arbus retrospective "Revelations".
Buy: Diane Arbus - Revelations

pimp my blog

I FINALLY sold the car that’s been sitting in Missouri for the past 10 months. Hallelujah! It will be nice to no longer make a payment on a car that I am not using...another reason to love New York.

Speaking of cars, Leo has been explaining the various blog add-ons and modifications that are available. Just as I would never have an underbody light kit or a rear spoiler on my car, I would never have a rolling ticker or time and temperature on my blog. I prefer to keep things simple and understated. I did add a counter which freaks me out a bit because it takes the blog into a creepy quantitative space. When people are reduced to numbers I feel a bit squeamish. I may remove it if it continues to haunt me.

Download: Drive (Cars Cover) – Revolution Smile
Download: Thunder Road – Tortoise & Bonnie ”Prince” Billy
Buy: Bullitt

* I have already been asked if this is a picture of the car I sold. No, it is'nt. If my car looked like this I would definitely hang on to it...HOT DAMN! You can take the girl out of Missouri but you can't take Missouri out of the girl!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

hangin' tough

I was just turned on to The Tough Alliance. They are two Swedish punks who are known to swing baseball bats on stage as they perform. Their track “Koka-Kola Veins” has carved a special place in my heart considering my current gig. They are not exactly new...but they are new to me! Thanks for the recommendation Jon.

Download: Koka-Kola Veins –The Tough Alliance
Download: In The Kitchen – The Tough Alliance
The Tough Alliance website
Buy: A Clockwork Orange

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

for those about to rock...

I love Wolfmother! The part of me that loves Wolfmother is the same part that saw AC/DC live when I was 16. The same part of me that used to love to park on gravel roads with the Pohlman brothers and drink beer while listening to Rainbow. The Pohlman brothers were the two “dirt-heads” in my high school. They were blond versions of John Bender from The Breakfast Club and they lived in a trailer with their Mom on the edge of town. The only furniture in the trailer was a sofa, a kitchen table, a big screen TV and 3 beds….and a huge “Houses of the Holy” wall tapestry…in the living room. I loved sitting at their kitchen table talking about music. It was so great to find two people that listened to something besides "hair bands" in my hometown in the late 80’s. They couldn’t relate to my Smiths/Clash/X-loving side but they knew who Ritchie Blackmore was…that was enough for me.

Watch: Heavy Metal Parking Lot
Download: Joker & the Thief - Wolfmother
Wolfmother's website

i like the innocent type, deer in the headlight

My previous posts have been on the serious side…time to lighten things up a bit with a more personal post: My sister and I inherited a love for younger men from our trail-blazing Mother. Mom was rockin’ it “Demi-style” way back in the day. In fact, she married a 19 yr. old when she was 33. Following in my Mother’s footsteps, I have a difficult time dating men over the age of 26. BUT…I am 35 and I need to begin taking that area of my life a bit more seriously. Lately I have been attempting to date “older men” and by older I mean over 40. Great! Right? Not an easy task for me! Recently I went on a date with a 41 yr. old. Very nice, attractive enough, really smart, had been in numerous indie bands, great job. Sounds great! Not so fast…half way through the date the 25 yr. old bartender slipped me his number which of course offended my date a bit. My date ended up leaving early...I stayed. Enough said.

So that is my current Apollonian/Dionysian dilemma…

Buy: Harold and Maude
Download: Mrs. Robinson - Lemonheads

tie me up! tie me down!

A woman gives her husband two wrapped, similar packages for Christmas. Tie in one, tie in the other: two ties. He goes upstairs to dress for breakfast and comes back down showered, shaved, combed, be-suited, and wearing one of his new ties. "What’s the matter? You don’t like the other one?"

Re-reading R.D. Laing’s Knots has reminded me of Gregory Bateson’s double bind theory. His theory addresses the “binding” that results from relationships that are chronically subject to invalidation through paradoxical communication. For example, a mother will say to her child, “You need to be more independent”. If the child follows her advice they are of course not being independent. So the child is “wrong” no matter what they choose. It is a “no win” situation. Double binds also work in more subtle ways. A mother may look at her child with an expression of contempt while telling the child she loves him. The contradiction of the verbal and non-verbal communication confuses the child and they do not know which message to trust. The messages invalidate each other. As an adult you are free to leave these kinds of relationships but if you are a child you are trapped. Bateson believed that a child raised in a family that frequently used “double bind” communication was at risk of developing schizophrenia.

Fun-fact-to-know-and-tell: Bateson was married to Margaret Mead.

Monday, March 06, 2006

the statement is pointless, the finger is speechless

One of my favorite books is R.D. Laing’s Knots. Laing was an iconoclastic psychiatrist that pioneered controversial treatments for schizophrenia in the 1960’s. Knots is only 90 pages and contains small “poems” that address the seemingly inescapable binds or knots that are the result of life’s duality. Reading Laing always reminds me of the tragic absurdity of life…

An excerpt:
They are playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game.

One of my favorite Laing quotes:
“Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent.”

Buy: Knots

Sunday, March 05, 2006

tea cup saucer out

I am ignoring the blogger hype and enjoying Doveman at the moment.

Gothamist on Doveman:
Doveman is not just one man, it's a troupe of some of the best musicians this city has to offer. Their music is perfect for a rainy day, with minor chords and mellow musings. Doveman breaks out of the indie rock boundaries to explore the territory of our musical history. Blues, jazz and rock are all delivered in what the band themselves describes as "insomnia pop".

Download: Teacup

"but edie didn't fall"

Some amazing dim-wits have written a musical and are making a film based on my favorite documentary "Grey Gardens". The Maysles brother's 1975 documentary was perfect. There is no need to reinterpret. Adding insult to injury, Drew Barrymore is playing Little Edie in the film!

An excerpt from the article in today's NY Times:
Even before seeing the musical, some of the diehards are charging sacrilege. Scott Frankel, who was the prime mover behind this production of "Grey Gardens" and wrote the music for it, has been accosted on the street by outraged fans of the film saying "How could you!"

EXACTLY! How could you! My heart is breaking...

A "Grey Gardens" fan site

Saturday, March 04, 2006

throwing my hat into the ring

Being a blog connoisseur... I reckon it's time I give something back!